New Collection at Canvas Gallery

Promises by Dana Cowie

Recently I delivered a commission and 8 new paintings to Canvas Gallery in Toronto! If you haven’t been to Canvas yet, you should! It’s a vibrant and welcoming gallery in a really cool area of Toronto. You can get a tasty empanada beside the gallery or a really good sub and ice cream on the other side after you visit the gallery. There are some other restaurants and a brewery as well as a nice coffee shop and boutiques at the Artisan Lofts. You will like it! Makes a fun day out.

My kids started their summer vacation recently so we have been feeling out our new schedule. I always find it takes a couple of weeks until we find a decent rhythm. So far we’ve done a lot of swimming, playing and relaxing. I’m getting some work done and I hope to organize my studio and house a bit in early July. I will be painting when I can. It feels strange not to paint every day but the kids are only little for a short amount of time. It’s all about balance!

I hope that you like my new collection at Canvas Gallery. I am really pleased with the new work and have been working in a new palette that is fresh and summery. Check out this new painting called Promises.

Thanks for reading,
